
nutritionist, homesteading, rabbit, bunny


Hi, I’m Courtney – firefighter wife, homeschooling mom, homesteader, homeopathy nut, and lover of Jesus!

I spent 25 years in my own health struggle. I would research, try some things, research some more, and then try something else! I saw many doctors who would read my labs and find nothing wrong, but I still felt like it took every bit of energy I had to make it through the day. I TRIED EVERYTHING and still felt crummy. So frustrating!

I finally had enough and decided to take things into my own hands. I began making drastic changes in how I was eating. I started down the path of eating highly nutritious foods, moving away from a standard American diet. I began choosing food that would support my body instead of making me feel drained. That led my family and I to purchase some land…..and some chickens – be careful those are gateway animals – and then we ended up with a full fledge homestead.

By eating whole, nutrient dense, pasture raised meats, and organically grown vegetables, I started to feel better.  However, I would still have periods of time that my body would just tank.  I was really frustrated and felt very betrayed by my own body.

Back to the research drawing board.  I came across the Nutritional Therapy Association where I decided to go back to school to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I wanted to learn how to take care of my own health as well as my family’s.

As I began implementing the things I was learning, the brain fog lifted. Now, I have so much energy and my brain is firing like crazy – like really, I haven’t been able to think this fast and clear since I was a teenager!

So, what did I do?  I got to the root problem!  That is the only way to get to true health.

After graduating, I realized I couldn’t keep this knowledge to myself.  I started my business to help others gain true health without all the headache of trying to figure it out on their own!

My Mission

My mission is to support everyone that has a desire to make long-lasting lifestyle changes. Nutritional therapy is not a quick fix or magic pill, and there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Based on your unique need, we will utilize the healing power of food, along with lifestyle changes and healthy habits to assist the body in what it needs to thrive. Through detailed questionnaires and in-depth evaluations, I will guide and educate you on how to address any weakness through a properly prepared, whole foods diet to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Where to start?

Whether you want to start on your own or let me help you – it starts the same –  with the Foundations of Health. I have a free eBook that will explain what the foundations are plus give you some great ways to start implementing nutrition and lifestyle changes to make a lasting impact on your health.

Ready to go all in and change your life?

Are you ready to work one on one with me to get your vitality back?  To find the root problem? Clear that brain fog?  Feel decades younger? Play with your kids or grandkids?  Be able to think and have coherent thoughts? Let’s do it!